Ariel Tweto
Ariel Tweto has a successful career as a television personality. Also, she is a private pilot. Her stardom grew after she was featured on the reality TV the show Flying Wild Alaska. The show also featured her in the Wipeout game show. The charity she co-founded was Popping Bubbles to talk to teens about why they should pursue their dreams. Ariel Tweto is worth over 1 million dollars. Ariel was born 14 December 1987 in the town of Unalakleet America, to Jim Tweto Jim Tweto and Freno Tweto. Ariel Eva Tuadraq Atauchaq Tweto is her birth name. Her birth name was Ariel Eva Tuadraq Tweto. Alya is her sister. The parents of her met while her dad was living in Alaska as professional hockey player trying to inspire interest for the sport. Era Alaska is the company which he established after falling in love with Ariel's mother. Ariel grew up with Alya and her mother in Nome Census in the state of Alaska. Ariel attended Emerson College in Nome and later graduated from Chapman's University's Communication program in Southern California. Ariel's acting career started at an early age by appearing on the television show Wipeout. Ariel was in the show when she asked about the pole that was in the front of her, which she was unable to see the pole was visible, she gained fame. When the filmmakers saw her interest in her, they contacted Twetos about making a documentary about the family that lives in the Alaskan wilderness. The father Jim is skeptical but gives the go ahead to allow the cameras to film on his work. Era Alaska, his aviation business, as a bush pilot is still in operation. The reality TV show Flying Wild Alaska by Discovery Channel became a huge success in that it brought into all-time sharpness the problems the Tweto family face as they run their aviation business. The challenge of living within an environment that is reminiscent of those of Wild West of early times is fascinating to a lot of Americans. The human battle against sometimes violent nature can make fans cheer alongside the Twetos with their successes and sympathize with them in the loss. Jim The bush pilot and Ferno on the ground are always busy. Ariel has a cheerful personality when it comes to all this. Ariel's father Jim, and mother Ferno have both been pilots and it's only natural for Ariel to be interested in flight from a young age. Flying Alaska, the 2011-2012 series will follow Ariel through her training to become a licensed pilot. After that, she assumes control of the airline's operations for the family following the departure from her father. Alaskans worry about the high rate of suicide in teens and teens, which is up to seven times higher than the average national figure. Ariel took action by co-founding Popping Bubbles. She visits the youth and schools for young people to speak to them about how they can live life to the fullest and achieve their ambitions, not giving into depression.

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