Anna Koshmal
Anna Koshmal was born in Kyiv Ukraine on 22 October 1994. Anna Koshmal is 27 years older. It is not clear on the Internet what happened to her parents and siblings. Anna is also of Ukrainian descendance and practices the Christian belief system. Anna Koshmal is worth an estimated $2 million. Her income comes from acting in various films and television programs. Anna also claims she models for different magazines. Anna Koshmal has dreamt of having a career as an artist from the time when she was a young girl. She was however unsure about what she was going to do with her future. When she was young she took numerous artistic classes. Anna had vocal lessons along with modern dance classes. Anna is a skilled artist. Her painting abilities were discussed in a variety of interviews. After two months, her parents required her to attend classes in a theater school named Republic Kids. This meant that she became more knowledgeable about theater and acting as she completed her studies in drama. Then she went to at the Faculty of Music and Management for lessons in pop music under the guidance from L. I. Utyosov. In the end, she was hired by a casting group after she graduated at the Faculty of Music. The story goes as follows: Anna Koshmal, then 17 aged, was approached to join Kvartal 95 Studio. Anna was approached while she was with Republic Kids. A studio agent was aware of her talent as an actor. The actress, however, didn't know who she was trying to audition for when the casting agents began to approach her. As she sat in front of the agents she sang songs that are familiar to her. She also performed a some acting. Her agency approved her almost quickly. On the TV show Match Makers she made her debut as an actress.

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